Wednesday, September 9, 2009

8 months!

Today is Boo's 8 month birthday! He has been kinda cranky lately, especially when he doesn't get his way. He likes to scoot around and play with toys and with non-toy items like remotes and phones and shoes. He likes macaroni and cheese baby food and banana mixed berry baby food. He likes to nurse! A lot! He's still a little smaller than your average 8 month old. He "talks" a lot. He has said mama a couple more times when he is mad and wants me to pick him up. He likes to play with daddy. He likes taking a bath, and he gets really mad when I take him out of the bathtub because he gets sleepy. He does not like having his diaper changed... any diaper, ever! He has been wearing cloth diapers. He's my sweet little man!!

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