Friday, April 23, 2010


Chemistry Funny -
I have a project at work dealing with transport and storage of methanol (similar to ethanol or drinking alcohol) that we use as a utility in the plant. The shortened name is MeOH, the OH stands for oxygen and hydrogen, which form an alcohol. So I have an email titled "FW: MeOH" that I needed to forward to a co-worker. We were on the phone discussing the project, and I forwarded the email. Here is our conversation. H for me, A for Annie, my co-worker.
H - Did you get the email?
A - I got an email titled "Meow"
H - No, the title is "MeOH" the short name for methanol.
A - No, really, it says "Meow." I'm sending it back to you.
H - Oh, you are right. It does say "Meow."
I guess spell check changed it.

Ok, so maybe you didn't think that was funny. I thought it was funny.

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